The Belgrade Waste-to-Energy project is cleaning up one of Europe’s largest uncontrolled landfills and constructing a new, sustainable waste-management complex. It is one of the first large-scale, bankable, private sector waste-to-energy projects in emerging markets. Using a competitive dialogue with five pre-qualified bidders, the City of Belgrade - with the support of IFC acting as a PPP advisor - could offer a bankable DBFO contract bundling the remediation of the landfill (including the management of legacy pollution) with the development of revenue-generating greenfield assets.
The EBRD is contributing a ?128.25 million syndicated loan, including a loan of ?72.25 million for its own account, a loan of ?35 million provided by Erste Group Bank AG under the A/B loan structure, and ?21 million in concessional finance funded by Green Energy Special Fund.