For the second year the Concessions and PPPs conference gathered Brazilian and foreign professionals from the public and private infrastructure sector. The conference focused on the role of privatisation of infrastructure assets, PPPs and Concessions for the next wave of Brazilian infrastructure projects as part of the 20 year infrastructure program 2018 to 2038.
Daniel Fedson, Senior Director at GI Hub, presented a summary of Brazil´s infrastructure need, investment trends and corresponding infrastructure investment gap coupled with an overview of the key drivers that lead to an attractive infrastructure investment environment that encourages private sector involvement and private capital. He contributed international lessons that might be useful for Brazil to the next wave of PPPs and Concessions.
GI Hub’s InfraCompass was referenced to highlight Brazil’s capability to deliver infrastructure projects, as well as areas for policy priority reform. Brazil’s infrastructure investment gap is substantial, on current projections as estimated by Global Infrastructure Outlook, Brazil will only meet 56% of its infrastructure investment needs to 2040 (GI Hub’s Outlook confirms Brazil’s infrastructure investment gap is in the top 3 globally on a relative basis). Notwithstanding the current infrastructure investment gap, there is increasing momentum in Brazil’s infrastructure program as demonstrated in Brazilian projects showcased on the Global Infrastructure Project Pipeline. A platform which connects infrastructure projects to investors helping countries expand their investor base, increases competition, provides enhanced visibility of Government projects coupled with clarity and consistency on the of the progress of public infrastructure projects.