Last week, the World Bank, in partnership with the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P), hosted its fourth Infrastructure for Development (#Infra4Dev) Conference in Rabat, Morocco.
#Infra4Dev, an initiative of the World Bank's Infrastructure Vice-Presidency, aims to foster dialogue and knowledge exchange between cutting-edge economic researchers and a broader community of policymakers and practitioners, with the goal of leveraging infrastructure for development.
The program, held on the UM6P campus, featured a variety of panel sessions covering diverse topics related to infrastructure development, with a focus on infrastructure finance and public and private participation.
Several PPIAF team members served as panelists:
- Henri Blas, Global Infrastructure Hub Program Lead, participated in a session on the "Global Infrastructure Financing Landscape.” Henri shared data insights from the GI Hub's Infrastructure Monitor report, InfraTracker tool, and Transition Pathway tool. He also provided analysis on key investment trends and insights on how the current macroeconomic environment is affecting infrastructure investment in both developed and developing economies.
- Ludovic Delplanque, Senior Infrastructure Specialist, participated in a session focusing on "The Importance of Project Preparation." Ludovic discussed the required preconditions for smart project preparation in PPPs and how implementing these conditions during the project preparation stage can assist in creating the right enabling environment for private sector participation.
- Luciana Guimaraes Drummond e Silva, Infrastructure Specialist, participated in a session on "Bridging the Divide: Empowering Futures through Gender-Inclusive Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)," where she presented PPIAF's new Gender Toolkit. This comprehensive toolkit, which is being developed into an interactive web resource, can be applied at any stage of the PPP project life cycle to help practitioners enhance gender outcomes in infrastructure PPPs, improving social and economic outcomes.
You can access recordings of the panel sessions from these panelists and others here: