COUNTRY | Brazil
REGION | Americas
SECTOR | Transport
QII Principles | Principle 2 Economic Efficiency, Principle 3 Environmental Considerations, Principle 5 Social Considerations, Principle 6 Infrastructure Governance
QII Sub-Principles | 2: Operation and maintenance, 3: Environmental Impact Assessment, 3: Environmental Impact Mitigation, 5: Job creation, 5: Occupational health and safety, 5: Social inclusiveness, 5: Low-income groups, 6: Anti-corruption, 6: Transparency of infrastructure investment
The Public Fishing Terminal (“TPP”) of Manaus was built in 2010 by the National Department of Transport Infrastructure - DNIT, in partnership with the Municipality of Manaus.
The total built area is 5,400 m². Its floating dock is in partial operation and the terminal has capacity for receiving 200 t/day of fish.
The main TPP warehouse contains, on its ground floor, units for receiving, processing and dispatching fish; fish freezing room; changing rooms and toilets. The upper floor consists of administrative area, dining room and toilets.
The project involves the concession of the TPP in order to guarantee the operation and modernization of the terminal.
Studies – Q4 2020 (in progress)
Public Consultation – Q4 2020
TCU (Brazil's Federal Court of Accounts) assessment -
Bidding documents – Q2 2021
Auction – Q2 2021
Contract – Q3 2021
Relevance to QII
Principle 2: Economic Efficiency
Despite the construction investment in 2010, currently the TPP is not fully operational. The concession is the framework chosen to optimize the operation of the terminal and ensure the non-discriminatory access.
Principle 3: Environmental Considerations
The execution of any investment is preceded by an environmental license. Environmental impacts, as well as the impact of mitigation measures are assessed prior to any investment.
Principle 5: Social Considerations
The project has a relevant social impact. Prior to contracting studies for the concession, a meeting has been held with users, investors and other project stakeholders. The project implementation will provide employment and income for the local community, especially low-income fishermen.
Principle 6: Infrastructure Governance
The key point for the governance is transparency during all phases of the concession process, from the structuring decision to the contract execution phase. The studies are fully disclosed. There is active participation of TCU (Brazil's Federal Court of Accounts) from the structuring to the operation stage. The project is qualified in the Investment Partnerships Program (PPI), and for this reason is considered as a national priority.
Currently the fishing terminal is not fully operational. Moreover, there is lack of infrastructure for the local fishermen.
The concession will enable the provision of non-discriminatory and affordable infrastructure for small-scale fishermen.
It is expected that the project implementation will reduce the fish waste and provide better working and sanitary conditions.
The first metric will be the auction success.
During the operation the user satisfaction survey will be the main element for contractual performance incentive.
Name of Institution
Investment Partnerships Program (PPI) Secretariat