COUNTRY | Kyrgyzstan
SECTOR | water and waste
QII Principles | Principle 1 Sustainable Growth & Development, Principle 2 Economic Efficiency, Principle 3 Environmental Considerations, Principle 4 Building Resilience, Principle 5 Social Considerations, Principle 6 Infrastructure Governance
QII Sub-Principles | 1: SDGs, 2: Life-cycle costing, 2: Operation and maintenance, 2: Risk management, 3: Environmental Impact Assessment, 3: Disclosure of environmental aspects, 3: Ecosystems, 3: Biodiversity, 3: Climate, 3: Emissions, 4: Resilience, 4: Disaster risk management, 5: Social Impact Assessment, 5: Job creation, 5: Capacity and institutional building, 5: Gender, 5: Occupational health and safety, 5: Universal access to services, 5: Social inclusiveness, 5: Disability, 5: Low-income groups, 5: Children, 5: Displaced communities, 6: Growth & development strategies, 6: Procurement transparency, 6: Financial & debt sustainability, 6: Anti-corruption, 6: Access to information and data, 6: Institutional Framework of infrastructure investment, 6: Transparency of infrastructure investment, 6: Policy
Cost: EUR 4,000,000
Size: Isfana City has a population of around 28,000.
Parties involved: EBRD, European Union (“EU”), Kyrgyz Republic, Isfana City (the “City”) and Municipal Enterprise Isfana Taza Suu (the “Company”)
Relevant contractual details: EBRD sovereign loan of up to EUR 1.6 million to the Kyrgyz Republic to be on-lent to the City for the benefit of the Company. EBRD loan is co-financed by a capital grant of EUR 2.4 million from the EU’s Investment Facility for Central Asia
Context: The water supply system in the City has suffered from severe under-investment over the last twenty years. There is no sewerage system and the water supply is available for only 1-3 hours per day.
Aim(s) of the project: Improvement of the quality and reliability of drinking water supply resulting in substantial environmental and public health benefits; Significant reduction of water losses, and Improvement of financial and operational standing of utility.
Procurement under the Project started in August 2020. Construction under the Project will start in 2021 and end in 2023.
Relevance to QII
The project will ensure availability and sustainable management of drinking water. The rehabilitation of deteriorated sections of the water supply network and water storage in the City will enhance the physical resilience of the system, reduce water losses and energy consumption and thus will be a first but important contribution towards an economical and responsible groundwater resources management and main activity with climate change adaptation benefit. The rehabilitation of critical water intakes including disinfection control will secure essential water supplies and assure its quality. Environmental and social sustainability would be core to the project with the aim of raising environmental standards, promoting social engagement with citizens and adapting to climate change. The investment programmes are complemented by corporate development technical assistance, which incorporates gender responsive elements and policy dialogue for sector reform.
The investments are expected to significantly improve access to clean drinking water, reduce water losses, improve physical resilience and resilience to climate change and enhance the utility’s sustainability.
The project will be monitored according to the EBRD standard procedures. Project monitoring and evaluation will be based on regular assessment of progress on delivery of specified Project results towards achievement of project objectives.
Name of Institution
European Bank for Development and Reconstruction