COUNTRY | Jordan
REGION | Europe
SECTOR | water and waste
QII Principles | Principle 3 Environmental Considerations
QII Sub-Principles | 3: Environmental Impact Mitigation, 3: Climate
Cost: JOD 12.0 million
Size: JOD 12 million
Parties involved (public and private): Greater Amman Municipality
Relevant contractual details (type, length etc.): Project is in the tendering stage.
Context: The obstruction of a natural water stream due to industrial and mining activities in the 1970’s in Al-Zarqa region has resulted in the formation of an artificial stagnant lagoon. With time, the lagoon got heavily polluted with industrial and domestic sewage. The situation has significantly deteriorated since 2011, underpinned by the refugee crisis, which placed unprecedented pressure on an adjacent refugee camp’s wastewater network resulting in more sewerage leakages into the lagoon. The lagoon has thus become an environmental and social hazard for the surrounding areas due to the odours, pollution and nuisances.
Aim(s) of the project: EBRD proceeds will help finance a critical environmental infrastructure project which entails the decommissioning of the existing contaminated lagoon, the construction of a new storm water drainage system, and the construction of a new underground water conveyance system to restore the storm water’s pathway back to its original course.
Relevance to QII
Improve environmental and social conditions of the lagoon?s surrounding communities and increasing water supply for agricultural purposes.
Improve environmental and social conditions of the lagoon's surrounding communities and increase water supply for agricultural use.
Expected and realised benefits: The decommissioning of the lagoon is expected to significantly improve the environmental and social conditions of the surrounding communities. Additionally the project is expected to strengthen the climate resilience capacity of Jordan (one of the most water scarce countries in the world) as the project is expected to channel around 400,000 m3 of rainwater back to its original course (Zarqa river), which eventually flows into a dam, thus increasing water supply for agricultural purposes.
Improve environmental and social conditions of the lagoon?s surrounding communities and increasing water supply for agricultural purposes.
Name of Institution
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development