Country | Brazil
Region | Americas
SECTOR | energy
QII Principles | Principle 1 Sustainable Growth & Development, Principle 2 Economic Efficiency, Principle 3 Environmental Considerations, Principle 4 Building Resilience, Principle 5 Social Considerations, Principle 6 Infrastructure Governance
QII Sub-Principles | 1: SDGs, 1: Wider Economic Benefits, 2: Value for Money Analysis, 2: Operation and Maintenance, 2: Technological Inovations, 2: Risk Management, 3: Environmental impact Assessment, 3: Environmental Impact Mitigation, 4: Resilience, 4: Disaster risk Management, 5: Social Impact Assessment, 5: Job Creation, 5: Capacity Building, 5: Occupational Health and Safety, 5: Universal access to services, 5: Social inclusiveness, 5: Low-income groups, 5: Displaced communities, 5: Indigenous groups, 5: Vulnerable environments, 5: Marginalised groups, 6: Growth & Development strategies, 6: Procurement transparency, 6: Legal Framework, 6: Institutional Framework, 6: Transparency, 6: Enabling environment, 6: Policy
Brazilian Decree nº 7.520/2011 and then Decree nº 9.357/ 2018 establishes the National Program for the universalization of Access and Use of Electric Energy - “LUZ PARA TODOS/LIGHT FOR ALL” until the year 2022, intended to provide the service with electricity to the portion of the rural population that does not have access to this public service.
The beneficiaries of the Program “Light for All” are families residing in the rural area that do not yet have access to the public service of electricity, with priority of attendance to: I - low-income families registered in the Single Register of Social Programs of the federal government; II - families benefiting from government programs that have as their object the social and economic development; III - rural settlements, indigenous communities, quilombolas and other communities located in extractive reserves or impacted directly by projects of generation or transmission of electricity, whose responsibility does not lie with the operator himself; and IV - schools, health centers and community water wells.
From 2003 to September 2020, the Program of universalization “Light for All” has already served more than three and a half million families, which corresponds to more than sixteen million people benefited from the public service of electricity, the vast majority of which are served with conventional network extension. The Brazilian Federal Government has invested more than US$ 3 billion for the implementation of the Program “Light for All”.
Relevance to QII
In this Program, all the Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment are being operationalized. The Program "Light for All" has the objective of providing access to the public electricity service in rural areas transforming the lives of this population that has economic and social vulnerabilities. Typically, these communities have a low rate of human development and lack access to essential public policies. Thus, there is a prioritization by the Program to provide assistance with access to electricity to these communities in order to improve their well-being and quality of life.
In this sense, the Program was conceived as an instrument of development and social inclusion, with the objective of universalizing the public electricity service, generating jobs of the order of 34.2 thousand throughout the program.
With this measure, the Brazilian Federal Government leads socio-economic development through the opportunity to increase income and improve education, health, security and communication services.
Furthermore, there is a great concern with the governance of this public policy, with the proper definition of the responsibilities of the actors involved, in the transparency of the decision-making process and the accountability in the actions implemented by the Program “Light for All”.
The Program “Light for All” is implemented throughout the national territory and aims to provide access to public electricity services to communities located in rural areas. It is a fact that access to the public electricity service is a vector for economic and social development. In the case of the implementation of the Program “Light for All”, the benefits were diverse. Firstly, the arrival of energy in rural areas made it possible to settle families in the countryside, which contributed to the reduction of rural exodus. Before the arrival of electricity, families use wood stoves to cook and lamps and candles as main sources of lighting. The Program “Light for All” brought, with electricity, improvements to the benefited households and communities, especially with regard to the residents' quality of life and housing conditions. In addition, it enabled access to other public policies that required energy so that they could be made available to the population, such as access to education, health and public safety. Finally, access to electricity made it possible to develop productive activities that provided an increase in income and improved quality of life for the beneficiary population.
Number of families benefited by the Program;
% of cities with access to electricity in rural areas
Name of Institute
Ministry of Mine and Energy