COUNTRY | United Arab Emirates
SECTOR | Transport
QII Principles | Principle 1 Sustainable Growth & Development, Principle 2 Economic Efficiency, Principle 3 Environmental Considerations, Principle 4 Building Resilience, Principle 6 Infrastructure Governance
QII Sub-Principles | 1: SDGs, 1: Wider economic benefits, 2: Life-cycle costing, 2: Operation and maintenance, 2: Risk management, 4: Resilience, 5: Capacity and institutional building, 6: Financial & debt sustainability, 6: Access to information and data, 6: Transparency of infrastructure investment, 6: Enabling Environment, 6: Policy
Cost: $10 M
Size: The project covers the entire country.
Parties involved (public and private): The UAE, Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Relevant contractual details (type, length etc): Consultancy Contract, divided in 2 stages, (Stage 1: 3 years / Stage 2: 4 Years)
Context: In the UAE, the complexity of the roads network requires close monitoring and high periodic maintenance activities to prevent the occurrence of sudden failures and to sustain the high quality of road infrastructure. In 2013, the Roads Department of the Ministry of Public Works of UAE (today the Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure, MoEI), initiated the “Preparation and Operation of Pavement and Asset Management System” for the implementation of sound maintenance of the roads network.
Aim(s) of the project: The project aims at increasing the road management system through different tasks, including data collection and analyses for road performance improvement; pavement condition analysis; maintenance plan analysis; road asset management system (RAMS) implementation and customization; and the creation of bridges and slopes inventory.
Key dates including procurement, construction, operations
The project consists of two phases. The first phase of the project covers 2012 thorough 2016, the second phase was started in 2017 and is currently under development.
Relevance to QII
The created system forms an enabling environment for infrastructure efficiency by providing a solid monitoring tool for the roads in the UAE. It provides data on the infrastructure and promotes transparency. The project also provides wider benefits by increasing the economic life of the road investments.
The project has allowed UAE to ensure safety and sustainability in the road network system. Cost and time saving in maintenance activities have been 35% and 30% respectively, compared to previous years.
The established system allows:
- To schedule the periodic measurements or the controls of the elements.
- To foresee the conservation actions.
- To plan and optimize the investments knowing the resources available beforehand.
- To register, record and value the routine works.
- To control and analyze the degree of fulfillment of the quality indicators.
- To quicken the decision making.
The success is measured by the savings in cost and time in daily maintenance activities.
Name of Institution
The UAE, Ministry of Finance