The interest generated by the role of PPP in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is considerable. SDG 17, for example, calls for the revitalization of the global partnership for sustainable development and expressly for: Partnerships: public, public-private, civil society partnerships . Indeed, PPPs and SDGs are and should be, aligned - this is the basis of Goal 17 - with each supporting the other. PPPs thus are a good basis to implement the SDGs, while the SDGs are also a good way to make PPPs better.2 Many UN agencies, reflecting this interest, are now giving innovative partnerships the highest priority. Accordingly, the UNECE has prepared the draft of a review of the 7 principles that were agreed in 2008 and published in the UNECE Guide book on Promoting Good Governance in PPPs It has furthermore prepared a revision of these, taking account of the new 2030 Agenda. Moreover, reflecting this interest, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) itself has called for the elaboration of Guidelines . Thus, the following draft Guiding Principles are also a contribution to this process. Publication Date: 18.05.2018