InfraTech is defined by the G20’s Infrastructure Working Group (IWG) as “the integration of material, machine, and digital technologies across the infrastructure lifecycle” and is supported by three reference notes produced in collaboration between the G20 IWG, the World Bank and the GI Hub: 1) The InfraTech Stock Take of Use Cases; 2) The Value Drivers for InfraTech; and 3) The InfraTech Policy Toolkit.
This paper serves as the reference note for the Stock Take of Use Cases and it supports the InfraTech Agenda by identifying InfraTech use cases in four quality infrastructure sectors (water, waste, energy and transport), identifying their benefits and how to use them. More specifically, the Stock Take identifies four
key opportunities for InfraTech, which are:
1. Addressing the barriers to technology adoption
2. Engaging with the private sector
3. Supporting the advancement of Quality Infrastructure Investment (QII) principles
4. Supporting the government’s response to COVID-19
These four areas are informed by the InfraTech Agenda’s non-binding ‘Elements’ and other work streams delivered by the G20 IWG, MDBs and IOs. Further details of how the Stock Take links with the ‘Elements’ and the above objectives are detailed in this paper.