Today, sustainable infrastructure development is recognised by policy makers globally as key to realising the Sustainable Development Goals. At the same time, the public and private sector still struggle to build and operate infrastructure that meets the four principles of sustainability: economic and financial, environmental, social and institutional. Increasingly, the problem goes back to an information gap: more and more tools have been developed that are applicable to different infrastructure sectors, different phases along the project cycle as well as different geographic locations. Yet, for stakeholders it remains difficult to identify the right tool. By developing this Navigator, Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogues (EMSD, part of GIZ) aims to bring clarity to the infrastructure sustainability arena and thereby increase uptake of innovative infrastructure solutions.
The Navigator gives an overview of the most relevant 50+ sustainability tools supporting project teams, public officials and financiers among other stakeholders to integrate sustainability during the lifecycle of the project. The Infrastructure Tool Navigator provides easy access to 50+ tools including rating systems, high-level principles, and guidelines, helping stakeholders to find to the tool that best fits their needs. This Navigator offers a detailed explanation of the different tools as well, the phase of the life cycle, the main target audience and the geographic application distributed in more than 10 sectors in 17 countries.
Navigate tools by:
- Sector
- Type of Tool
- Project Phase
- Developer by Country
- Target Audience / Main User